7th Oct 14 Hello DTUK, Just wanted to pass my positive feedback on the CRD-T+ for my Audi 2011, which I think is well deserved. Considering I ordered the CRD-T+ only the day before at 4pm and received it in the Scottish Highlands at lunchtime was miraculous to start with. The next and most important thing was the performance of the car, the factory setting of the box on the car made it smooth and progressive as the Audi should have been on release from the factory, but upon playing with the settings and finding the ‘sweet mode’ (Program 2 +1 in my case) the car has been transformed into a bit of a torque monster. The weather unsurprisingly has been inclement up here at this time of year, I will be glad when it improves so I can stop wheelspinnning all the way up to 3rd gear with the Electronic Stability Light flashing like a disco strobe! Very cool! Long term I will monitor the fuelling benefits, but I needed a lot less pedal pressure to pass vehicles, ultimately I would imagine that is better efficiency straight off. All in all I am impressed with the level of service and product that I have received, initially dealing with Stuart then Andrew. Excellent service, quality product. 10/10. Thanks again, Barry